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Protecting Your Commercial Fence During the Winter Months: Best Practices and Strategies for Ensuring Longevity and Durability

Protecting your commercial fence

When you invest in your commercial fence, you need to know it can withstand whatever Mother Nature throws your way. When winter’s extreme temperatures and unpredictable conditions threaten to wreak havoc on your property, a robust maintenance plan can ensure your fence stands strong. Here’s a guide to effective winter fence maintenance.

Tips for Preventing Weather Damage to Your Fence

To keep your fence in top shape over the long term, you need a maintenance plan that adapts to the changing seasons. You can minimize the effects of inclement weather by following these winter maintenance care tips.

  • Start the season in good shape. Before the nasty weather hits, give your fence the once-over. Check for shifted or unstable posts and address any minor imperfections. It’s wise to have your fence professionally inspected in the fall to ensure it’s fit to withstand the coming months.

  • Don’t use your fence as a storage area. It’s tempting to tuck tools and other items against your fence for safekeeping. Although it may seem reasonable to create a storage area near your fence, these items can become harmful clutter as the winds pick up and the snow accumulates. Before winter hits, be sure to store all loose items safely in an appropriate storage space.

  • Clear away dead foliage. In a nutshell, avoid allowing your fence to become a catch-all for any form of accumulation. Although dead leaves and twigs may seem harmlessly lightweight, they can add debris that makes snow clearing more difficult. The decaying plant matter can also collect moisture that causes your fencing material to rust or deteriorate. Additionally, it can provide shelter for destructive pests.

  • Check your tree growth. Overhanging branches pose a threat to living things and to your fence as well. The weight of snow or ice and the force of strong winds can bring those branches crashing down. Have a landscaper come in before the first sign of snow to give your trees a quick trim.

  • Keep an eye on the ground. Temperature fluctuations and excess precipitation during the winter months can cause the earth to heave. Depending on the depth of your fence poles, the movement of the soil can cause those poles to shift and place stress on all components of your fence.

  • Use proper snow removal techniques. The weight of accumulated snow can place pressure on your fence poles and may cause them to bend or break. Once the snow starts to build up, take care not to let your fence become the disposal site for your snowblower. During snowfalls, use a shovel or rake to redistribute drifting snow so that it doesn’t pile too heavily against your fence.

  • Inspect after every storm. In winter, even the most minor damage can quickly escalate into a need for major repairs. After any weather event, check your fence for any signs of damage or weakening. If you spot an issue, act quickly to correct it before the next storm comes.

As winter wanes and the temperatures warm up, a good cleaning can wipe away the appearance of drabness. If your fence is made of wood, you consider applying a fresh coat of paint or stain.

The Importance of Regular Professional Maintenance

Your fence is a significant investment, and every year you don’t have to replace it is an extra year of value for your business. Winter fence maintenance and repairs require expertise specific to the climate conditions. When you have a contractor handle fence maintenance through the winter, that small investment will contribute significantly to the longevity of your fence.

Unexpected Installation Needs

Winter’s extreme weather events, such as an ice storm or high winds, can have a destructive impact on your fencing. When you’re facing weather damage, spot repairs might not cover your needs. A professional fencing contractor knows when a simple repair is in order and when you need a full replacement.

Often, the issues that affect a fence in winter are due to unsound installation practices. A professional can ensure the fence they install is suited to your local climate. That includes choosing the correct materials, and also installing those posts deep enough into the earth to withstand the impacts of frost, high winds, and heavy snowfalls.

Chain Link Fencing Installation in Toronto

At City Fence Inc., our professional fence contractors can provide seasonally appropriate fence maintenance and repairs, and we install fences crafted with top-quality materials, and designed to stand up to Ontario’s weather conditions. We serve commercial and industrial customers in the Toronto area, including Oakville, Vaughan and Barrie. Contact us today to learn more or request a quote.


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